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European Commission’s VAT in the Digital Age (ViDA) proposal

Jane Jones
Jun 19
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European Commission’s VAT in the Digital Age (ViDA) proposal

The recent European Commission’s VAT in the Digital Age (ViDA) proposal is a game changer for global businesses and their tax functions.

European Commission’s ViDA Proposal: Transforming VAT for the Digital Age

The European Commission has introduced a groundbreaking proposal known as VAT in the Digital Age (ViDA), set to revolutionize the way global businesses handle their tax functions. Here’s an in-depth look at what this proposal entails and its potential impact on businesses and tax regulations across the European Union.

ViDA Proposal: V-N 2024/27.18

Netherlands’ Support for ViDA

The Netherlands is showing strong support for the ViDA proposal, with Finance Minister Van Weyenberg communicating to the Dutch Parliament the country’s intention to agree with three critical texts from the proposal. The ViDA proposal aims to bring VAT regulations into the digital era, focusing on three main areas:

1. Digital Reporting Obligations and E-Invoicing:

  • By July 1, 2030, businesses will need to use standardized e-invoices for cross-border services and deliveries.
  • Starting January 1, 2030, specific data from these e-invoices must be shared via an EU database.
  • A new concept of a ‘hybrid invoice’ has been introduced, which will be both machine-readable and human-readable.

2. Platform Fiction for Short-Term Rental and Transport Services:

  • Platforms offering short-term accommodation rental and road transport services will be deemed the supplier for VAT purposes, starting from July 1, 2027.
  • There are exceptions for small businesses under the new scheme.

3. Single VAT Registration Across the EU:

  • The proposal suggests a single VAT registration should suffice for businesses across the EU.
  • For certain B2C transactions, a single VAT registration could be implemented starting January 1, 2026.

Current Developments

The Belgian presidency is prioritizing the ViDA proposal, seeking consensus on its entirety. While most member states support the proposal, there is some resistance, particularly regarding the platform fiction component due to the administrative burden it may impose. The Netherlands is backing the current compromise proposals and is open to extending the transition period for digital reporting obligations.

Next Steps

The ViDA package is set for discussion at the upcoming ECOFIN meeting at the end of June, the final one under the Belgian presidency. This proposal represents a significant step forward in modernizing VAT regulations to keep pace with the digital age, potentially transforming tax processes for businesses across the European Union.

Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to follow this pivotal development in VAT regulations. If you have any questions or need further information, feel free to reach out!

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